
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

The Ministry for Michael Gove

The newly rebranded Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is inheriting a host of crises – and with a history at the heart of the Tory machine, Gove is unlikely to solve them.

Paulo Freire at 100

Marxist philosopher Paulo Freire was born 100 years ago today. His work demonstrated the role that education can play in liberating the oppressed – and the struggle against capitalism.

Going Back to NAM

From the late 70s to the early 90s, the New Architecture Movement proposed a form of building that centred the needs of people, not property developers – an idea that remains just as relevant today.

Norway’s Left Breakthrough

This week’s election in Norway saw Labour defeat the Conservative government – but the radical left also gained seats, raising hopes of a coalition to implement ambitious socialist reforms.