
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

The Landlord Subsidy

Under Margaret Thatcher, the Tories saw housing benefit as a way to prop up private landlords – and today, it does so the tune of billions of pounds per year. It’s time to build public housing instead.

Privatisation Is the Real Rip-off

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves recently argued that bringing utilities into public ownership wasn’t ‘good value for money’ – but for millions of people, privatisation has led to higher bills and worse services.

Bloody Sunday at 50

50 years ago today, British Paratroopers shot dead 14 unarmed civilians during a civil rights march in Derry. The massacre became a worldwide symbol of state brutality – and community resilience.

The Next Pandemic

We can take action today to stop the next pandemic, from preventing environmental destruction to properly funding health systems across the world – but there is little sign that governments are willing to do it.

Remembrance and Resistance

In August 1944, Auschwitz prisoners smuggled a camera into the gas chambers and took four shaky photographs of the horrors happening there. Their defiant act of documentation shaped our understanding of history forever.

Cricket’s Class Wars

The establishment often claims cricket has a ‘spirit’ that transcends the class divide. But from the sport’s early hostility to working class radicalism to the sell-off of fields under Thatcher, class is key to understanding its history.