
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Jack Jones’ Docker Internationalism

Union leader Jack Jones – born on this day in 1913 – was known as ‘the most powerful man in Britain’ for defending British workers. But his decades spent fighting Spanish fascism and South African apartheid deserve to be remembered too.

What Have Labour Done in Leicester?

The Labour Party has blocked 19 mostly Muslim and Hindu councillors from re-standing as candidates – the latest in a series of moves by a party leadership that takes Black and Asian communities for granted.

The Slow Decline of the SNP

After winning the SNP leadership race, Humza Yousaf inherits a party weakened by scandals and division that threaten its dominance of Scottish politics – and provides new political opportunities for its opponents.

The NHS Swiss Banking Scandal

EXCLUSIVE: Tribune can reveal that the NHS’s Tory-appointed chair Richard Meddings was a key figure in disgraced banking giant Credit Suisse, chairing its risk committee before a series of financial scandals destroyed it last week.

Privatising Scotland’s Trees

The Scottish Government’s £2 billion PFI deal to pay wealthy landowners to plant trees will increase inequality and do nothing to deter big polluters – proof that the market can’t fix the climate crisis.

Destroying a Nation

Far from facing justice for their crimes, the perpetrators of the Iraq War are rehabilitated while anti-war voices are driven out of public life. There are fewer obvious signs of how broken Britain’s political system is.

Marx in Memoriam

Karl Marx was buried in Highgate Cemetery 140 years ago today. The philosopher’s iconic grave has a turbulent history which reveals the struggle to define his legacy – and the enduring power of his ideas.

The Growth Delusion

In today’s Budget, Jeremy Hunt talked about ‘growth’ but delivered policies that will lock Britain into years of low pay and crumbling public services.

The Battle to Save London Underground

Today, more than 10,000 London Underground workers are on strike. They’re fighting against cuts that threaten their jobs, terms and conditions – and will decimate services for the public.

Privatisation is Killing the NHS

More than a decade of privatisation and underfunding has left the NHS on its knees. If we want to preserve a public health service that is free at the point of use and available to all, now is the time to fight for it.