
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

The Bitcoin Scam

Despite the utopian claims of its proponents, Bitcoin is a right-wing nightmare which facilitates tax evasion, money laundering and environmental degradation.

A Letter from Chongqing

The metropolis of western China has built thousands of council flats for its migrant workers. Does it really offer an alternative to China’s state–driven capitalism?

Cuba’s New Blockade

The US blockade of Cuba is the longest embargo against any country in history. Now, the Trump administration plans to tighten the net.

The Children of Austerity

The scale of school cuts since 2010 mean that Britain’s public education system is being transformed. Each day it becomes less about educating and more about subjecting young people to market discipline.

Britain’s Chagos Shame

Britain’s continued occupation of the Chagos Islands, and refusal to allow its exiled natives a right of return, is a scandal. While it continues, the government can claim no moral authority on the international stage.

From Marx to Freud

In 1969, Herbert Marcuse’s ‘Essay on Liberation’ combined Marx and Freud, and inspired thousands of radicals. How liberating is it fifty years later?

Socialism: The Movie

A new documentary explores the history of socialist politics in America and tells the stories of the young left-wingers helping to put it back on the map.

The Neoliberal City

Housing campaigner Glyn Robbins discusses how the market is remaking the council estate where he works, eroding the bonds that build working class communities.

Hold the Line

The European election results were bad for Labour, but plunging the party into the culture war would mean the end of class politics.

Keeping the Red Flag Flying

This weekend a festival in Wales remembers the 1831 Merthyr Rising, where workers demanding better wages seized control of their town and flew the red flag for the first time.

Theresa May’s Miserable Legacy

This morning, as Theresa May resigned, a damning report was released shedding light on her attempts to expel tens of thousands of foreign students. These policies, more than anything else, define her political career.

Good Riddance Theresa May

Theresa May caused misery for working-class communities across Britain. Unite’s Len McCluskey says the effects will be felt long after the removal vans have taken her back to Maidenhead.

A New Dawn in Dorset

Last night, the Tories lost control of one of their heartland councils in Bournemouth. It’s the latest in a series of defeats for the Conservatives in areas that have been blue for generations.