
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

In Defence of Community Organising

Community organising is a vital part of rebuilding the Labour Party at the grassroots – but it will take time and shouldn’t be expected to produce immediate results, argues Ian Lavery.

The Starmer Narrative

Keir Starmer’s campaign rests on the idea that Labour lost in December because it didn’t have a polished leader who could play the Westminster game effectively – if he wins on this basis, the lurch to the Right will be swift.

How Bernie Organised Workers in Iowa

We might still be waiting on the results of the Iowa caucuses – but the effects of Bernie’s ground game, particularly in mobilising working-class immigrants to turn out for him, are clear to see.

Remembering Andy Gill

Gang of Four’s Andy Gill, who died this weekend, combined a serrating guitar style with socialist lyrics to define the sound of the post-punk era.

My Path to Politics

Scottish deputy leader candidate Matt Kerr on how family, trade unionism and experience of injustice led him to politics – and why the cause of a Labour Party fighting for working-class people remains as relevant as ever.

Bernie Can Beat Trump

In today’s Iowa caucuses, Democrats have the opportunity to choose a candidate whose record of defending popular programmes like Social Security and Medicaid hits Donald Trump where he’s weak.

Labour’s Deeper Reflection

Labour should respond to the general election defeat by looking back not a month or a year, but over the past two decades – to what it did in government, in opposition and in response to Britain’s emerging constitutional crises.

The Westminster Fetish

This week’s pile-on against Zarah Sultana over select committees demonstrates how our establishment sees democracy – as a set of rules and procedures to which they alone are gatekeepers.

Social Structures

An interview with artist Ilona Sagar about the links between people and architecture, health and community, and the process of gentrification.

Why Socialists Should Talk About Aspiration

Rebecca Long-Bailey’s ‘aspirational socialism’ is an attempt to overcome a pervasive problem – after a decade of austerity many working people don’t believe that politics can make their lives better, argues Grace Blakeley.

Defending Our Unions

Another Tory government means another wave of attacks on our unions, beginning with transport workers. There’s only one way to respond – building a mass movement to fight for workers’ rights.

Ireland’s Historic Opportunity

After decades of right-wing domination, February’s general election could be a watershed moment in Irish politics – if the country’s Left can unite against Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil.

The Exception of Palermo

Amidst the rise of Matteo Salvini and anti-immigrant populism across Italy, one Sicilian city has fought for the rights of refugees and in the process begun a conversation about its own migrant history.

The Flybe Fake

Boris Johnson claims the bailout of Flybe is a sign that this Tory government is prepared to use state powers to help workers – but in reality, it shows how committed they are to corporate welfare.

The Starmer Illusion

Keir Starmer promises to unite the party and appear prime ministerial while sticking by Labour’s left-wing policies. But if elected, he would be forced to choose between these priorities – and it’s clear which one would lose out.

New Approach, Old Problems

The recent deal to re-establish Northern Ireland’s Assembly may have broken a deadlock but it doesn’t resolve any of the fundamental contradictions at the heart of the peace process – and is likely to lead to another wave of punishing austerity.

Making Development a Business

The mooted merger of the Department for International Development with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office would be the latest Tory scheme to use the aid budget to fill the pockets of corporations.

Renewing Scottish Labour

Glasgow councillor Matt Kerr explains why he’s running for deputy leader of Scottish Labour – to empower a new generation in the party’s grassroots and ensure that Labour fights for real democracy, even when it’s a challenge.