
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

The Manifesto in History

The final instalment of Harold Laski’s 1948 introduction to The Communist Manifesto for the Labour Party looks at the application of the Manifesto’s principles in practice – and its relevance to the Labour government.

The Fight of Our Lives

The CWU’s upcoming ballot in Royal Mail isn’t just a fight against management attacks on workers’ terms and conditions – it’s a battle for the future of the postal service itself.

Secondary Modern

Wirral’s Solar Campus was a global pioneer in the field of ecology. Its gradual destruction tells a story about how idealistic social and architectural ideas have been ground down by class and regional inequalities.

The Meaning of the Manifesto

On the centenary of the Communist Manifesto’s publication in 1948, the Labour Party asked Harold Laski to write an introduction for party members. We republish a section of his essay today.

Labour and the Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto was first published on this day in 1848. A century later, the Labour Party produced an appreciation of the Manifesto by Harold Laski – which Tribune will republish this weekend.

Saving the BBC from the Left

The latest Tory threats against the BBC come after years of hollowing out the service by right-wing ideologues – if the Left is to defend it, we have to provide a vision of real public service broadcaster.

Fighting Casualisation

Universities across Britain are responding to financial pressure by creating pools of insecure and disposable workers. The fight against this casualisation will be at the heart of tomorrow’s UCU strike.

Divide and Rule

The Andrew Sabisky affair is likely to be only the first of many Tory racism scandals as the new government sets about dividing our communities in the interests of the rich, argues Claudia Webbe.

Capital’s New Best Friend

Rishi Sunak’s appointment was trumpeted as a break with Thatcherism – but his record of supporting tax cuts for the rich and corporations suggests he’s straight out of the Tory mould.

Tackling the Crisis in Work

Rebecca Long-Bailey was derided for suggesting that workers should have a right not to answer emails after hours – but unless Labour is prepared to tackle the changing world of work, the party’s future is bleak.

Bolivia’s Coup in Practice

In the months since the coup d’état in Bolivia, the Añez government has aligned itself with hardline right-wing forces across the region – and made a mockery of Western ‘democratisation’ narratives.