
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

The Only Boss We Listen To

Bruce Springsteen and his politics are flawed, to be sure – but nearly fifty years after his first album, there are few other voices who can so unite the left.

Grist to the Fun Machine

The American TV series ‘Ramy’ moves beyond the pieties of representation to follow a group of ‘Bad Muslims’ with sophistication and brutal humour.

The Lessons of London’s Great Dock Strike

In 1889, during one of capitalism’s prolonged crises, casualised dock workers in London came together in a 130,000-strong strike for better pay – and helped ring in a new wave of socialism and industrial militancy across the country.

More Austerity Means More Grenfells

Austerity put saving money, not protecting people, at the top of the state’s agenda. Combine that with deregulation and corporate greed, and Grenfell is one horrific example of the consequences.

Pits Against the State

In the 1984-85 Miners’ Strike, Thatcher weaponised hunger to force striking workers back to work. What she didn’t expect was workers in pit communities and beyond mobilising to organise an alternative welfare state.

Lula’s Victory Is a Testament to Solidarity

Lula’s historic victory, unthinkable just two years ago, couldn’t have happened without millions of people fighting for it. As Bolsonaro supporters refuse to accept the results, the mobilisation of those masses will be key to securing democracy.

Remembering Fenner Brockway

Fenner Brockway – lifelong socialist and anti-war activist who co-founded War on Want, the CND, and the Movement for Colonial Freedom – was born on this day in 1888. Jeremy Corbyn speaks to Tribune about the debt we owe his memory.

We Can’t Afford More Austerity

David Cameron’s Tories justified austerity by saying we were ‘all in it together’. Now millions are going hungry and public services are on their knees while the rich enjoy the spoils – we can’t afford to let them lie again.