
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Remembering Ruth First

In 1982, anti-apartheid leader Ruth First was killed when a parcel bomb sent by South African police exploded in her office. Her comrade Ronnie Kasrils remembers her revolutionary life.

The Wind of Change

The podcast ‘Wind of Change’ investigates the rumour that the CIA authored a famous ballad that soundtracked the end of East Germany, using the story to explore the cultural politics of the Cold War.

The Red in the Green

A century ago, amidst Ireland’s struggle for independence, more than 100 soviets were declared across the country as workers asserted themselves – and demanded an end to capitalism as well as imperial rule.

How Capitalism Stifles Innovation

Under capitalism, investment in new technologies only takes place when it’s profitable for corporate interests – if we want innovation to benefit society at large, we need a socialist system.

Ikea’s Sick Pay Scandal

In the midst of a global pandemic, Ikea Glasgow introduced a new sick pay policy forcing self-isolating workers onto just £95 a week. A union rep, Richie Venton, fought back – and soon found himself sacked.

How Covid-19 Is Increasing Inequality

Inequality was steep in Britain before the pandemic, but those who entered this crisis with insecure work, low pay and high rents will leave it even worse off – if we want a better future, it’s time to organise.