
3625 Articles by:

Ellie Whittaker

Ellie Woolstencroft is an activist with Labour for a Green New Deal.

The Care Manifesto

A new book argues that Covid-19 has exposed systemic failings in the way our society functions – and argues the case for building a post-capitalist alternative with care at its heart.

Syriza’s Road to Ruin

Five years ago Syriza won the Greek elections and raised the hopes of the European Left. Costas Isychos, a minister in their first government, explains why the party’s socialist ambitions evaporated.

Austerity – Just by Another Name

Yesterday’s announcements saw Rishi Sunak cut £10 billion worth of planned spending from the UK economy. It might be a new form of austerity, but it is austerity nonetheless – and none of it is necessary.

How Capitalism Went Digital

Leo Panitch writes on the new volume of Socialist Register, which traces the developments that made digital technology integral to capitalism – and charts a path to an alternative, democratic future.

France’s Authoritarian Turn

In the wake of recent terrorist attacks, France’s Macron government has announced a string of authoritarian measures which stigmatise Muslims and further undermine the country’s fragile civil liberties.

Greenwashing the Status Quo

The Tories’ weak climate plans offered Labour the perfect opportunity to propose a bold green agenda – but instead we got another sign that the party is shying away from tackling the urgent crises of our time.

Between Marx and Coca-Cola

Between 1957 and its dissolution in 1972, the Situationist International sought to theorise consumer capitalism in order to overthrow it. A new collection of essays explores their legacy.

Cash for Drones, Cuts for Workers

By proposing increases in defence spending alongside a pay freeze for workers, the Tories have exposed the lie that governments can’t invest – and revealed their own priorities: war before well-being.