
3625 Articles by:

Ellie Whittaker

Ellie Woolstencroft is an activist with Labour for a Green New Deal.

Bill Douglas and His Folk

Scottish director Bill Douglas made compelling cinema about his upbringing in a mining village and the Tolpuddle martyrs – but in the decades since his death, it has become far harder to be a working-class filmmaker.

48 Hours Is Already Too Much

Yesterday’s debate on the EU Working Time Directive confirmed the Tories’ hostility to even the most basic of workers’ rights – but it also proved that the Left needs to demand something better than the status quo.

The Gap in Sleep Equality

Sleep is crucial to mental and physical health. As the pandemic has made clear, it’s also a scarce resource — one of which key workers are increasingly deprived, with dire consequences.

No Going Back to ‘Normal’

As vaccination numbers rise, politicians are preaching an imminent return to normal life — but for the millions living in poverty across the country, normal has long been unbearable.

Teachers Are Not Disposable

The government has claimed for months that schools are not hubs of infection, but new data proves their lie: and shows that education workers have double the Covid rate of the wider population.

Nationalise the Bogs

The degradation of Britain’s bogs through drainage means that they currently emit as much CO2 as 140,000 cars every year. These natural wonders shouldn’t be exploited for private gain, but protected in the common interest.

Home Rule for London

In the interwar years, the Labour Party used London as an example to the country of what a socialist government could provide – and how to wrest housing from the grip of slum landlords.

The Self-Pitying Psyche of Landlords

A recently published ‘secret diary’ provides a rare glimpse into the resentment Britain’s landlords feel towards their tenants – even as many rake in huge profits by charging obscene levels of rent.

Class Struggle on Film

This Saturday, the London Short Film Festival screens ‘Finally Got the News’ and ‘Class of Struggle,’ films which capture workers fighting against capitalism and racism in the tumults of the 1960s.

It’s Time to Ban the Bomb

Today, a historic UN Treaty comes into force making nuclear weapons illegal. New polling shows a clear majority of British people support nuclear disarmament – but our political class remains committed to annihilation.

It’s Time to Scrap Tuition Fees

Before Covid-19, high tuition fees already deterred working-class people from university. Now, the injustices students face are clear to everyone – and show why we must fight for a free education system.