
6 Articles by:

Tom Banbury

Tom Banbury is a writer and researcher based in Warwickshire. He works on histories of politics, medicine, and the environment.

Why the Putney Debates Still Matter

On this day in 1647, the New Model Army gathered in Putney to demand a constitution which enshrined government by consent – centuries later, we can still learn from their radical democratic vision.

The Struggle for the Great Reform Act

On 7 June 1832, the first Representation of the People Act passed, laying the foundations for the growth of representative democracy in Britain – it was a partial victory won by centuries of agitation.

The Ancient Roots of Trespass

The Tory government’s plan to make trespass a criminal offence is part of a centuries-old tradition: using the law to protect wealthy landowners at the expense of our right to roam.