
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

The Fight for a Just Food System

In the past year, more than ten percent of the public have faced food insecurity, and prices are still climbing – making it clearer than ever that a food system run by corporate profiteers isn’t serving the public.

We Must Remember David Oluwale

David Oluwale was the first victim of racist police brutality that the British state acknowledged. Decades after his death, his plaque in Leeds has been repeatedly vandalised – showing that the racism he faced remains a force today.

Boycotting Apartheid Is a Moral Duty

The government’s planned anti-boycott bill is yet another crackdown on our right to protest – and while it currently targets solidarity with Palestine, its ramifications apply to every social justice campaign.

Apathy in Moscow

Few Russians actively support the brutal war on Ukraine, but years of depoliticisation have ground down any active opposition – resulting in a sense of stasis that now hangs over the capital.

Workers’ Rights for All

Across Britain, millions of low-paid and precarious workers are denied even the insufficient rights that are afforded to others – it’s time to fight for universal workers’ rights.

78. War and Inter-Imperialism w/ Barnaby Raine

Grace is joined by Barnaby Raine, co-author of a recent essay analysing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They discuss how a world-historic crisis of capitalism is fuelling the growth of nationalist and neo-fascist movements around the world, what that means for world politics, and how the left should respond.

Archives at War

Researchers inside and outside Ukraine have spent years putting together the shattered pieces of its history; now they are putting together an archive in real time, as a document of resistance.