
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Workers Against ISS

Agency workers in London hospitals are so poorly treated that their union set up a foodbank to help them. But now, they are fighting back.

Demonising the Left

A new report commissioned by the government uses anti-war activism as evidence that socialists in Britain pose an ‘extremist’ threat.

Stockport Deserves Better

In February, Stockport’s voters were abandoned when their Labour MP left to join ‘Change UK’. Now, it needs a socialist MP to undo the damage caused by ten years of Tory government.

The Free Port Fantasy

Deregulated tax havens which suck up public resources while providing few if any new jobs: Boris Johnson’s free ports would be a disaster for Britain’s economy.

The World Turned Upside Down

Since Margaret Thatcher, around half of all public lands in the UK have been sold off. The next Labour government must stop this privatisation – and rebuild our commonwealth.

Labour’s Insourcing Revolution

Thirty years of local government outsourcing have devastated services, undercut workers and left millions ripped off by private providers. Labour in government plans to change all that.

The Voter ID Stitch-Up

The Tories claim to be introducing Voter ID to protect Britain’s elections. But its effect will be voter suppression – with many lower-income voters locked out of the ballot box.

Remembering Red Ellen

Ellen Wilkinson was one of the Labour MPs who founded Tribune in 1937. A socialist, feminist and anti-imperialist, her political life deserves greater recognition.