
225 Articles by:

Grace Blakeley

Grace Blakeley is a staff writer at Tribune and the host of our weekly podcast A World to Win.

How Covid-19 Is Increasing Inequality

Inequality was steep in Britain before the pandemic, but those who entered this crisis with insecure work, low pay and high rents will leave it even worse off – if we want a better future, it’s time to organise.

Eat Out to Help Rishi

The ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ campaign won’t save jobs, but it will hand over millions of pounds in subsidies to major corporations – and set the ball rolling on Rishi Sunak’s leadership campaign.

The Recovery We Need

The Tories’ recent announcements won’t be enough to prevent a deep economic crisis – we need a bold alternative from the Left that argues for investment in jobs, public ownership and democratisation.

The Eye of the Covid Storm

Many commentators are predicting a V-shaped recovery, but what we’re seeing today is only a temporary reprieve – the worst of the economic crisis is yet to come.

How Labour Lost the Working-Class

New research suggests that, in the 2019 election, more low-income voters backed the Tories than Labour for the first time. The party’s decision to side with the establishment over Brexit was the final straw.

The Coming Crash

Stock markets across the world are rallying as lockdowns lift and central banks pump money into the economy – but it’s likely to be a calm before the storm.

Remembering Capitalism’s Crimes

A new book uncovers the reality of America’s victory in the Cold War – detailing how massacres of leftists in 22 countries helped to overcome resistance to capitalism across the world, writes Grace Blakeley.