
42 Articles by:

Francesca Newton

Francesca Newton is online editor at Tribune.

The ‘Squid Game’ Trap

The extraordinary success of Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’ demonstrates how many people relate to a portrayal of capitalism’s miseries – and how few feel there is any way to escape.

Abolish Golf

According to new research, the golf courses of London occupy enough space to house hundreds of thousands of people. It’s time that land was put to better use.

Justice for the 97

This week, Andrew Devine became the 97th victim of the Hillsborough disaster to be unlawfully killed – but until there is real accountability for those responsible for covering up state crimes, there can never be justice.

We Still Need to Kill the Bill

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill is due to finish its current stage today, returning to Parliament in early July. We can and must kill it – but we should also be asking how our ‘democratic’ system produced it in the first place.

Some Very British Violence

The scenes at Clapham Common earlier this year prompted shocked realisations about police brutality — but state violence is a defining feature of our isolated, individualised world.

Let the People Piss

Hundreds of public toilets across Britain have been closed by a decade of austerity, meaning many people have to pay in pubs or cafés to go to the toilet – it amounts to the privatisation of taking a piss.

Childcare Is a Workers’ Right

In the middle of a pandemic, Royal Mail are threatening to close a nursery that cares mainly for the children of postal workers – making them choose between a £1,000-per-month hike in costs or unemployment.