
3625 Articles by:

Ellie Whittaker

Ellie Woolstencroft is an activist with Labour for a Green New Deal.

One, Two, Many Prestons

Success for Labour in this week’s local elections could mean a lot more councils following examples like Preston and introducing transformative policy programmes.

Standing for Labour

Ahead of this week’s local elections, we speak to first time Labour council candidate Gemma Weavis Long about what it’s like for party activists to run for council.

Remembering My Dad

On International Workers’ Memorial Day, we tell the story of one father killed on the job and the impact it had on his young family.

Spain At a Crossroads

Eighty years after the civil war, Spain is deeply divided between left and right once again. Today’s election will determine whether its future is one of progress or reaction.

The Battle for Spain’s Soul

Tomorrow’s Spanish election pits an increasingly hardline right-wing against the country’s Left in a fight over the future. Unidos Podemos MP Alberto Garzón discusses the polarised political landscape.

Sudan’s Struggle for Democracy

Earlier this month a mass movement overthrew Sudan’s dictator of thirty years. But protestors aren’t done yet – today, in Khartoum, thousands are on the streets calling for civilian rule.

Portugal’s Carnation Revolution

On this day in 1974 a mutiny in the Portuguese army put an end to the country’s dictatorship. The revolution which followed brought down an empire and showed how working people could take control of society.

Owning the Future

Common Wealth, a new left-wing think tank launched this week, is guided by a mission: to overcome neoliberalism by democratising ownership.

Why Buses Matter

More journeys are made on buses than any other form of public transport. Labour’s pledge to reverse cuts will improve millions of people’s lives.

Love Thy Neighbour

As capitalism continues to hollow out our lives, socialists and Christians can find common cause in the fight against its injustices.