
3625 Articles by:

Ellie Whittaker

Ellie Woolstencroft is an activist with Labour for a Green New Deal.

The SPD Turns Left

This weekend Germany’s SPD defied its party establishment to elect a left-wing duo to leadership – and breathe life back into the country’s socialist politics.

Tech for the People

We spoke to some of Britain’s tech worker co-ops to find out how Labour’s policy of free, full-fibre broadband could help liberate tech from corporate giants and put it to social use.

Ending the Rail Nightmare

Labour in government will end a miserable decade for Britain’s commuters by bringing rail into the 21st century with nationalisation, cheaper fares and real investment in improving services.

Burying Pinochet

Chile’s protest movement is targeting the neoliberal legacies of the Pinochet regime – including a pension system privatised by a partnership of fascists and free-marketeers.

Tackling Racial Injustice

It’s not perfect, but Labour’s race and faith manifesto is the boldest anti-racist programme ever put forward by a major party at election time – and is needed now more than ever.

Why the North Needs a Green New Deal

The next government needs to show that it’s serious about economic prosperity outside of London and is prepared to tackle the fallout from deindustrialisation. It’s time for a Green New Deal for the North.

Justice for Our Miners

After decades of government neglect, Labour is promising real justice for Britain’s miners and coalfield communities with proper pensions and specialised health checks for work-related illnesses.

Ending Thatcherism

Forty years after Thatcher rose to power, the parts of Britain she decimated with deindustrialisation, privatisation and cuts have the opportunity in this election to bury her legacy once and for all.

Rebuilding Public Investment

The Institute for Fiscal Studies says Labour’s plan to invest in Britain is impractical – but when faced with climate crisis and a failing economy, there’s nothing more impractical than inaction.

A Manifesto for Football

Labour’s bold plans to reform football – redistributing wealth from the richest clubs, and empowering fans to buy shares and sack directors – could save the beautiful game from the oligarchs.

The Fight in Bolsover

In former mining areas like Bolsover, Labour’s pro-Remain stance is seeing the party squeezed. But it can still win – if it convinces people that it will fight for the communities Thatcher despised.

Rebuilding Solidarity

By scrapping the Tory anti-union laws, a Labour government could begin to rebuild the bonds of solidarity between workers in different industries which provided the basis of real class politics.

Justice for the 96

Thirty years after the Hillsborough disaster, yesterday’s verdict reaffirmed a rule of British society: the ruling class are never held accountable for the crimes they commit against working people.


The majority of Scottish voters are enormously hostile to Boris Johnson’s agenda, but the SNP’s grip on the country appears strong. Can Labour’s plans for constitutional change point to a way out of the impasse?