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Cover art by Maus Bullhorst

Issue 21

The New Economy

Taj Ali & Karl Hansen

Sustaining the Old Cause in the New Economy

From Covid-19 to the 2008 Crash, recurrent crises are structurally embedded in our increasingly globalised economy. It is time to reject the ineffective immoral economics of old and to build a real alternative.


Karl Hansen

Starmer’s Worst U-Turn

New Labour’s refusal to release Britain’s trade unions from Thatcher’s restrictions entrenched decades of national decline.

Solomon Hughes

Labour for Sale

Lobbyists for some of the world’s worst companies are cosying up to Labour as it gets closer to power. Labour is embracing them right back.

Ahmad Ibsais

Amazon Is Investing in AI-Assisted Apartheid in Palestine

Since 2014, Amazon has been pouring billions into Israel contributing to illegal settlement programmes and the relentless surveillance of Palestinians. Israel’s dystopian end goal: to compile biometric profiles and security ratings for every resident of the West Bank.


jane Holgate

From the Docks to Deliveroo

Modern trade unionism was born through the organisation of insecure, low-paid workers. As gig conditions return, collective struggle must, too.

Ella Glover

Organising Behind the Bar

Hospitality work is synonymous with low pay and insecurity. The only way to change that is to get organised.

Eoghan Gilmartin

Spain Versus the Gig Economy

Spain’s left-wing government is clamping down on bogus self-employment — and the gig companies are angry.


Sukhdev Johal & Karel Williams

The Growth Delusion

Labour promises an era of economic growth but this is unlikely in a crisis-ridden world. Without substantial investment, prosperity remains a pipedream.

Taj Ali

Taking on Big Tech

From metric-driven management to workplace surveillance, workers are turning to trade unionism to fight back against tech behemoth exploitation.


Owen Dowling

Tribune & the Fight for Gay Rights

In the 1980s, Tribune proudly provided a platform for gay and lesbian rights campaigners facing down prejudice, Thatcherism, and AIDS. The history behind its arrival at that position reveals much about the relationship between British LGBT activism and the socialist movement.


Interview with Ken Loach

Britain’s Socialist Cinema Master

Ken Loach sits down with Tribune to discuss his career, the opportunities for political cinema today, and why artists should unmask exploitation and highlight ordinary peoples’ struggles against injustice.

Simon Tyrie

The Radical Politics of Star Trek

Star Trek envisioned a world beyond capitalism, racism and oppression where technology is harnessed to end all forms of exploitation and injustice – its lessons remain as relevant as ever.

Eileen G’Sell

Cultural Capital Is No Substitute for Cold, Hard Cash

The rich used to eat, dress, and even speak entirely differently from the masses. Today they wear T-shirts and trainers just like the rest of us. But that doesn’t mean we’re all equal. It only lays bare the real source of inequality: actual money.

Phillip Conklin & Mark Jay

A Letter from Detroit

Detroit’s glittering revival isn’t just leaving most residents behind — it’s premised on their impoverishment.