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Cover art by Yeyei Gómez

Issue 20

Dystopian Britain

Ronan Burtenshaw

A Departing Letter

In his final editorial, Tribune editor Ronan Burtenshaw reflects on his five years in the job.


Antonia Jennings & Jon Tabbush

England’s Collapsing Local Government

As council after council declares bankruptcy, the media treats them as isolated scandals — but the reality is a system buckling under the weight of rising costs and funding cuts.

Rae Deer

Labour’s Limited Ambition

By refusing to borrow or raise taxes, Labour is betting all its chips on growth to fund public spending — with no credible plan to stimulate it.

Grace Blakeley

Breaking Britain

If you want to understand why nothing in Britain works anymore, look no further than the free market economics that have put the country on a path to national decline.



Taj Ali

The Global Fight to Organise Amazon

Even as Amazon has grown to become one of the biggest companies in the world, its workers have organised across borders to fight for better pay and conditions. In both their successes and failures, there are lessons for the labour movement.



Ambria Taylor

The Familar Disco Elysium Saga

Disco Elysium was a widely successful video game with left-wing politics. Then company shareholders fired its creators and stole their work.

Seth Barry Watter

A Ball of Resentment

Revolution+1 cleverly uses the story of Shinzo Abe’s assassin to chronicle the ills of contemporary Japan.

Thomas Le Goff

A Letter from Red Paris

In the suburbs of Paris the names of the public places invite you on a journey through political history.