
48 Articles by:

Tom Blackburn

Tom Blackburn is a Tribune columnist. He is a founding editor of New Socialist and lives in Greater Manchester.

The Disappearing Party

With the objective of a mass membership party now abandoned, Labour is returning to its recent past as a Westminster political machine – but members can still have influence, if they organise.

The Starmer Illusion

Keir Starmer promises to unite the party and appear prime ministerial while sticking by Labour’s left-wing policies. But if elected, he would be forced to choose between these priorities – and it’s clear which one would lose out.

Turning Back the Tide

After decades of attacks on trade unions and workers’ rights, inequality in Britain is soaring. But in this election, finally, workers have a chance to vote for a government that would empower them.

The Choice Facing the North

In this election the North of England will choose between a Labour Party that is fighting to tackle regional inequality – and a Tory Party that has spent the last decade deepening it.

The Trigger Battle

The upcoming reselection process is a historic test for the Labour left: can it secure a parliamentary party willing to support a transformative socialist government?