
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Why Free Public Broadband Was a Good Idea

The pandemic has demonstrated how fundamental the internet is to our lives, but private companies continue to rip us off while providing poor service – it’s time to think again about free public broadband, argues John McDonnell.

Bevan in a Time of Coronavirus

Aneurin Bevan responded to the deep crises of the 1930s and ’40s by making the case for transforming the economy in workers’ interests, and ultimately building the NHS. The Left can learn from his example today.

Hope Is Not Enough

In his latest book ‘Humankind,’ Rutger Bregman launches a 300-page defence of human nature against the Hobbesians – but without a political perspective, his hope begins to feel like self-help.


The London Renters Union’s strike campaign is recognising a reality that the government wants to ignore – for thousands in this pandemic, the choice is increasingly between paying the rent and putting food on the table.

Why Nakba Day Matters

For more than seventy years the Palestinian people have been subject to dispossession and attempts to erase their history and culture – but on Nakba Day, they can say ‘we’re still here and we remember.’

Stand by Our Teachers

The tabloid hate campaign against teachers and their unions has one objective – to distract the public from the fact that Boris Johnson’s plans to end the lockdown are putting children across Britain at risk.

Who’s Afraid of Section 44?

Throughout the coronavirus crisis the government has refused to inform workers of their legal right to walk out of unsafe workplaces – once again, it has fallen to trade unions to protect workers when nobody else will.

Sheffield’s Fight Against Poverty Pay

The ‘Sheffield Needs a Payrise’ (SNAP) campaign is organising workers to fight back against low pay – and offering an alternative to the dismal working conditions that plague post-industrial Britain.

Solidarity Against Austerity

If Labour is to resist Tory calls for a new round of austerity, it will have to build on the spirit of social solidarity shown by thousands of mutual aid groups – and form an alliance across generations for a better society.