Join Tribune and RMT for a Rail Strike Solidarity Demo this Saturday

This weekend, we're joining forces with the RMT to take the fight for a pay rise to the bosses...

If you’re in London this weekend, join us on Saturday at 2pm at Kings Cross station for a solidarity rally with the RMT union and striking rail workers!

The media and Tory ministers are waging a war to demonise the RMT and its members, and it’s our job to show that they don’t reflect public opinion. Rail workers are standing up for the kind of pay rise every worker deserves – and against the further destruction of our rail services by profiteering privatisers.

This Saturday’s demo will include speeches from Tory tamer-in-chief Mick Lynch, as well as RMT President Alex Gordon, AGS Eddie Dempsey and exec member Jared Wood. It will also feature solidarity from actor Rob Delaney, CWU general secretary Dave Ward, Labour MP Diane Abbott, striking Mitie worker Francis Dwun and disability rights campaigner Barbara Lisicki.

Drop down from 2pm to show your support – and make a placard if you can! If you can’t attend, spread the word or share the above poster on social media. The fight back is only beginning!