64. Speculative Communities: An Interview with Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou

This week, Grace talks to Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou, associate professor of sociology at UCL, about how mutual cooperation within the uncertainty that characterises life under financial capitalism is building new communities.

A World to Win

‘Ordinary people are increasingly asked to speculate in our everyday lives – to look uncertainty in the eye in order to survive.’

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This week, Grace talks to Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou, associate professor of sociology at UCL, about his book Speculative Communities: Living with Uncertainty in a Financialised World.

They talk about the formation of a new kind of subject—homo speculans—and how mutual cooperation in the context of the deep and pervasive uncertainty that characterises life under financial capitalism is building new communities and new forms of resistance.

Find information about Aris’s LRB event with Grace on 17 January here.

You can support our work on the show by becoming a Patron. Thanks to our producer Conor Gillies and to the Lipman-Miliband Trust for making this episode possible.

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