55. Work Without the Worker: An Interview with Phil Jones

This week, Grace speaks to researcher and author Phil Jones about when 'automation' is actually just poorly-paid microwork – and how those workers can organise to resist exploitation.

A World to Win

‘The work once done by a supervisor or manager isn’t actually automated – it’s just outsourced as microwork.’

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This week, Grace speaks to Phil Jones, researcher at Autonomy and author of Work Without the Worker: Labour in the Age of Platform Capitalism.

They discuss whether what we call ‘automation’ actually relies on the proliferation of poorly paid microwork around the world, who does this work under what conditions, and how workers can start to organise to resist their exploitation at the hands of some of the most powerful companies on the planet.

You can support our work on the show by becoming a Patron. Thanks to producer Sarah Hurd for filling in this week.

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