38. Overheated: An Interview with Kate Aronoff

This week, Grace speaks to climate journalist and author Kate Aronoff about Joe Biden’s climate plan, the Green New Deal, and whether fossil fuel executives should be tried for crimes against humanity.

A World to Win

‘The plan Biden has offered is essentially like fighting the climate challenge with one hand tied behind your back.’

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This week, Grace speaks to Kate Aronoff, staff writer at The New Republic and author of the excellent new book Overheated: How Capitalism Broke the Planet and How We Fight Back. She’s also the co-author of We Own the Future: Democratic Socialism, American Style, and A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal.

They discuss Biden’s climate plan, the Green New Deal, and whether fossil fuel executives should be tried for crimes against humanity.

You can support our work on the show by becoming a Patron. Thanks to our producer Conor Gillies and the Lipman-Miliband Trust for making this episode possible.

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