8. The Crisis Before the Crisis: An interview with Rob Davies

In this week's episode of A World to Win, Grace Blakeley speaks to former South African minister Rob Davies about his time in government, the challenge of Covid-19 in Africa and how to break the continent's enforced underdevelopment.

A World to Win

“We can’t return to the crisis before the crisis.”

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This week, Grace Blakeley is joined by Rob Davies, Minister for Trade and Industry in the ANC-led South African government from 2009 to 2019.

They discuss the impact of Covid-19 on South Africa and the rest of the continent, the hegemony of the ANC over South African politics, and the challenges of developing an industrial strategy in a highly financialised, unequal and semi-perhipheral economy.

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Thanks to our producer, Conor Gillies, and Tribune’s designer Kevin Zweerink for their work on this episode. This podcast is supported by the Lipman-Miliband Trust.

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