Letter: Bolsonaro and the Brazilian Far-Right Are Putting Lives at Risk

Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, Diane Abbott and figures from across the labour movement sign a letter condemning the Bolsonaro government's handling of Covid-19 – and warning he poses a threat to public safety.

Brazil’s far-right President Jair Bolsonaro has consistently dismissed coronavirus as “just a fantasy” and “media hysteria.”

He has recklessly refused to put people and health first. Brazil now has the second-highest number of cases and deaths in the world and rising.

The Pan American Health Organization has issued an alert regarding the fast-spreading of Covid-19 in the Amazon.

Opposition continues to grow to Bolsonaro’s inhumane response to the pandemic across society.

We express our solidarity with the people of Brazil in their struggle against Bolsonaro and the threat he poses to public safety. Their fight is our fight.


Diane Abbott MP

Paula Barker MP 

Apsana Begum MP

Baroness Christine Blower, Member of the House of Lords & Brazil Solidarity Initiative, Vice-Chair

Richard Burgon MP, Brazil Solidarity Initiative, Chair

Ian Byrne MP

Shami Chakrabarti, Member of the House of Lords

Jeremy Corbyn MP

Mary Foy MP

John Hendy, Member of the House of Lords

Rachel Hopkins MP

Ian Lavery MP 

John McDonnell MP 

Ian Mearns MP

Navendu Mishra MP

Grahame Morris MP 

Kate Osborne MP 

Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP

Zarah Sultana MP

Sam Tarry MP

Claudia Webbe MP, Brazil Solidarity Initiative, Vice-Chair

Mick Whitley MP 

Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary, Unite & Brazil Solidarity Initiative, Vice-Chair

Bob Archer, SERTUC International Committee

Manuel Cortes, General Secretary, TSSA

Kate Dearden, Head of Research, Policy and External Relations, Community

Steve Gillan, General Secretary, POA

Dave Green, National Officer, Fire Brigades Union

Terry Hoad, Former President, UCU

Max Hyde, Past President, National Union of Teachers

Steve Jones, National & Postal Executive, CWU

Chris Kitchen, General Secretary, NUM

Mariela Kohon, Senior International Officer, TUC

Paddy Lillis, General Secretary, USDAW

Paul Moffat, Eastern Regional Secretary, CWU

Kevan Nelson, Regional Secretary, UNISON North West

Ged Nichols, General Secretary, Accord

Horace Trubridge, General Secretary, MU

Mick Whelan, General Secretary, ASLEF

Tariq Ali, Historian & filmmaker

Victoria Brittain, Journalist & author

Colin Burgon, Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America

Ben Chacko, Editor, Morning Star

Andy de la Tour, Actor

Dr Francisco Dominguez, Head of Latin American Studies, Middlesex University

Democracy for Brazil UK

Lindsey German, Convenor, Stop the War Coalition

Professor John Gledhill FBA, FAcSS

Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Michael Mansfield QC

Jo Miller, Affiliated Lecturer, Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge

Pablo Navarrete, Alborada

Anthony Pereira, King’s College London

John Pilger, Author

Professor David Raby, Universities of Toronto & Liverpool

Rosane Carneiro Ramos, Research Associate, King’s College London / University of Exeter

Ana Rojas, PT Londres 

Mark Sabine, Associate Professor, University of Nottingham

David H. Treece, Camoens Professor of Portuguese, King’s College London

Benjamin Zephaniah, Poet

Ronan Burtenshaw, Editor, Tribune