Thank Your Postie on #PostalWorkersDay

Today is National Postal Workers Day. Across Britain, thousands of posties are delivering essential services while their terms and conditions are under attack – now is the time to stand up for them.

Remember when they used to tell us the bankers and the city speculators were the key workers in the UK?

If there is one thing the coronavirus crisis has shown us, it is who actually keepings our country going.

Our amazing NHS workers, bus drivers, telecom engineers, call centre staff and, of course, your local postie.

Today is National Postal Workers Day.

Local postal workers have done an amazing job during this crisis. Faced, like many groups of key workers with issues over PPE, social distancing and a wall of fear, they have kept the country connected.

Last night we released a short video calling for a new ‘normal’ to be established after this crisis is over – one where the workers who helped us through it are treated with respect.

You can watch the video here.

Today, we ask you to thank your local postal worker (from a safe distance) or show them support online using #PostalWorkersDay.

Our members always deliver.