The Country Club Cabal

Secret plots to sabotage a Labour government from within won’t be tolerated by the party membership.

Shirley Williams, Bill Rodgers, and David Owen attending the 1986 Social Democratic Party (SDP) conference. They left the Labour Party in 1981 and contested in the 1983 and 1987 general elections. (Photo by Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images.)

Labour’s political culture has undergone a once-in-a-lifetime revival under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership. The rebirth of Tribune, with this striking first edition under the magazine’s new management, is one of a number of positive signs that socialist ideas are on their way back.

In just over a year, between May 2015 and June 2016, Labour Party membership increased from 190,000 to 515,000. It now stands at 570,000, making it not just the biggest political party in the United Kingdom, but the largest party in western Europe.

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